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Business Registration Service
Your One-Stop-Shop for quality business support services in Kenya.
Who We Are
What We Do
Progressive and responsive regulatory regime that supports all business
during distress.
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Companies Registry
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Official Receiver in Insolvency
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Collateral Registry
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Hire Purchase Registry

Companies Registry

Official Receiver in Insolvency

E-Colateral Registry (MPSR)

Hire Purchase Registry

In one Easy Step!

Register Your Business

The Name Reservation and Business Registration process have been MERGED into one easy step.

To provide quality business support services that are responsive to our customers throughout their business life cycle.

Doing business made easier.

Customer Centricity

We pursue excellence in all that we do and are responsive to our customers

  1. Carry out registrations required under the Act;
  2. Maintain registers, data and records on registrations carried out by the Service;
  3. Implement relevant policies and guidelines and provide the Cabinet Secretary with necessary information to guide the formulation of policy and amendment of existing policy and guidelines;
  4. Carryout research and disseminate research findings in fields covered by relevant laws through seminars, workshops, publications and to recommend to the Government any improvement in the relevant laws; and
  5. Collaborate with other state agencies for effective discharge of its functions.

Strategic Direction...

Business Registration Service Strategic Plan FY 2021/22-2025/26 provides our road a map over the next five years. The Strategic Plan is anchored in the Country`s blue print, Kenya Vision 2030, the 3rd Medium Term Plan 2018-2022, the Big 4 Agenda, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The plan builds on the successes and achievements realized in promoting ease of doing business in Kenya.

Our Stakeholders

BRS Feedback

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We value your feedback. Kindly take a minute to respond to the short survey below on your experience with our website. Your insights are essential in helping us improve and enhance your overall satisfaction. We value your privacy and data collected will be used for purposes of insights only.

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