Outgoing Chairpeson Hands Over to Successor

 By: Otieno Otiego

Following the appoitment of Hamisi Mwaguya as a non-exective Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Business Registration Service Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 17th January 2025 by the Honourable Attorney General, Dorcas Oduor, the outgoing Chairperson, Justice (Rtd) Erastus Githinji officially handed over to the new Chairperson in a brief ceremony held on 6th February 2025 at the BRS offices in Nairobi.

The Chairperson was taken through an induction session where ongoing projects, and strategic priority areas were discussed and later a guided tour of the office to familiarize with different departments and interact with staff.

The Chairperson pledged full support and committed to scale BRS to the next level.

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