Kenya Yearbook, BRS explore partnership opportunities

By: MyGov 

The Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board (KYEB) and the Business Registration Service (BRS) are exploring partnership opportunities to enhance public awareness on business listing and access to information.

KYEB chief executive officer Lilian Kimeto said the talks between the two institutions are part of the strategic engagement to ensure the public is served better.

“We want to build a long-term engagement with BRS. We offer editorial and production services which are key in dissemination of information on business services offered by the Government,” she said.

Doris Wambugu, the Director Legal at BRS, said the institution is looking forward to having a partnership with KYEB in areas of mutual interest. “One area in which we can collaborate is in enhancing awareness of business services offered by the Government among MSMEs so that we can formalise the sector,” she said.

BRS is a State Corporation established to administer policies, laws and other matters relating to the registration of companies, partnerships and firms and corporations carrying out business under a business name, bankruptcy, hire purchase and security rights (Section 4(1) of BRS Act, 2015). KYEB, on the other hand, is mandated to document Government initiatives, programmes and projects for faster social-economic progress.

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